Quest:Facing Fears

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Facing Fears
Level 80
Type Solo
Starts with Adalmód
Starts at Eaworth
Start Region Entwash Vale
Map Ref [47.7S, 64.0W]
Ends with Ingbert, Reeve of the Entwash Vale
Ends at Mead Hall of Eaworth
End Region Entwash Vale
Quest Group Entwash Vale
Quest Chain Eaworth
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'You say that Lady Tóla sent you to speak with Lady Góda? I will not then deny you entrance. However, be aware that there is a bitter debate within between Ingbert, Ingmar, and Góda.

'I do not recommend interrupting them, unless you have good reason to. If you still wish to enter, let me know, and I will unlock the door.'


Lady Tóla fears for the life of her husband, Ingmar, who desires glory in battle against the Orcs.

Objective 1

  • Talk to Adalmód to gain entrance to the Mead Hall of Eaworth

Adalmód stands guard outside the Mead Hall of Eaworth.

You should speak with Adalmód when you are ready to enter the Mead Hall.

Adalmód: 'Very well, <class>. you may enter.'
Complete the Instance: Facing Fears quest.
You have gained the trust of Reeve Ingbert

Objective 2

  • Talk to Reeve Ingbert within the Mead Hall of Eaworth

Reeve Ingbert is within the Mead Hall of Eaworth.

You should speak with Reeve Ingbert regarding the discussion you witnessed.

Ingbert, Reeve of the Entwash Vale: 'Alas, <name>, I am still torn between loyalty to my King and to my people.'